Planning a Crazy Cool Wedding without going Crazy: Step 4

Wedding Plan Step 4: The Meat
The ceremony. If you are getting married at a church, that takes a lot of guesswork out. You'll probably know who your officiant will be, and (sometimes unfortunately) when the church decides what time you'll have said ceremony. Maybe even what the ceremony will entail, although you should definitely have some say in it.
Will you write your own vows? Have a traditional ceremony complete with readings? A modern ceremony with a message only? Unity candles or sand? This should really be all up to you, and I like to see it in a practical way. What will you actually remember from this ceremony?
Jacob and I wrote our vows, placed into a contemporary religious ceremony. We didn't have a unity anything because we just don't have the space for it in our home, but would feel too guilty to throw it out. Instead, we had someone film our ceremony, and that's what will be remembered.